
Things to Do in Goa in December – For a Happening Vacation

Including Budget, Weather, Map

Places to visit in Goa

Things to Do in Goa in December – If you are one of them who are looking out for the Top things to do in Goa in December, then you will find some of the most exciting things to do on this list. We have given a list of all the things which you can do, all the places you can be, all the food you can eat and all the drinks you can chug.

The world comes by to have the time of their life in Goa in December as lights adorn the streets and chatter echoes in the lanes of the state. And this year-end, it is no different anyway! People from across the globe are looking forward to bidding farewell to this year by spending time on the sandy shores of the sea sipping drinks paving way for a happening vacation.

Truly awaiting a spectacular display of vibrant colours and different lives, people come to Goa to witness the perfect blend of cultures which unite at the end of the year to celebrate! Though this place sees thousands of tipsy tourists all year long, the crowd amplifies by tens during the year-end.

Goa is known for its boisterous beaches and savvy shacks which people of all age groups love and adore. And it is well established that the best time to visit Goa, or the peak season which tourists vouch by is in the winter months of the year. So, this article contains all the things which you should not miss when you head to Goa during December.

1. Party and Dance

Best-Goa-Clubs-Leopard Valley-Nightlife-party

The first thing that comes to mind when you think of Goa during December is the incessant partying. It is no surprise that this bit tops the list of the best things to do in Goa in December. If you are one party animal who cannot be tamed, then Goa is the perfect spot to hit the dancefloor.

With two (or twelve) shots down, you will be in the midst of strangers who would feel like best friends by the end of the night and it will make you feel like you are on top of the world. So, attend all the parties you can spot and count down the New Year 2020 with blazing music and desi beats.

Tip: Don’t miss out the Sunburn Festival famous in Goa.

2. Buy cheap alcohol and get crazy drunk!

Whichever part of the world you live in, you will definitely find the alcohol prices in Goa unbelievably low. So, what do you think you should do? Stock up your favourite alcoholic drinks and get drunk on the good life.

Furthermore, we would recommend that you buy the alcohol from the liquor shops prior to going out. This will make sure that you pay a less amount for the same amount of drinks.

3. Shack the World Up!

Baga beach Places to Visit in Goa

Goa in its entirety is known for its indigenous shacks which titillate the beaches and give these sand-filled shores an added volume. Shacks are basically places where you can eat, drink and dance while the sea breeze plays with your hair.

The Shacks will also be playing energetic music which will make your dance to the angrezi/desi beats going on in the background while you sip margaritas and eating tasty Goan food.

Which brings us to our next point-

4. Get lost in the true essence of Goan Cuisine

Indulge in the famous Goan Cuisine which is known for its delicacies which are finger licking. Pork Sorpotel, Chicken Cafreal, Fish Recheado, Bebinca, Pork Vindaloo, Chicken Xacuti are a few of the best dishes which you can get your hands on.

So, make sure to travel around the state and try out all the recipes which we mentioned above.

Tip: When in Goa, go for the small, native restaurants rather than the big star rated hotels. The best local foods are best served and enjoyed in these small hubs.

And while you are searching for the best of the local dishes in Goa, we have another tip to offer which is how you should travel in the little state of GOA!

5. Ride through the veins of Goa on a bike

Bike Ride in Goa

Goa is a mystical land. With beaches on the edges and serene green country roads in the interiors, all the world comes to a stop when it comes to Goa and its allure. Imagine riding a bike through the peaceful country fields with your loved one behind you.

Travelling anywhere (let alone in the beautiful Goa) becomes exponentially better when you are experiencing the coolness of the breeze on your face and drifting through it with control. The world will seem at your feet!

Tip:Do not forget to wear your helmet and carry your driving license, because you don’t want to ruin your holiday by paying a fine to the cops, in case you get checked.

6. Spend Some Bucks at a Casino

Casinos in Goa

Casinos are abundant in Goa and there are folks out there who primarily go to the state for this. If you are one of those who have never tried a hand at gambling, make sure to break the seal in Goa.

Whereas if you are one who has dipped their hands dirty in gambling and wants to do it again, Goa would be the place to take a sweet taste of it.

Enticing offers offered here will make your eyes pop, especially during this time. Though all the prices will be hiked by at least 40% than the normal off-season rates, people still herd in the casinos to bet against the odds.

7. Witness the Magical Turtle Nesting

Sea turtles nesting goa
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Olive Ridleys, a type of turtles with a heart-shaped carapace make the beaches of Goa their site of nesting. People from all across the country come to Goa especially to see this site! These turtles are found in most beaches of Goa, but the best sight is in the Galgibaga Beach in Canacona.

Turtle nesting as an activity seems so unreal that most people rarely do it. But we would recommend doing this at least once in your lifetime. A display of nature’s best abilities to amaze us humans is what this activity is!

8. Bathe an Elephant!

Elephant Bathing in Goa
Image Credit: Dhruvaraj S (Flickr User)

Don’t really think this point requires any flowery words to adorn its description because who wouldn’t want to be best friends with an elephant? Stand in knee-deep waters, with your play buddy and bathe your new friend. Elephants, due to their think skin cannot bear the heat, so they constantly need to be in waters to keep cool.

But don’t assume this will be a neat process because you will also be drenched head to toe in this endeavour. Trust us when we say this, this will be the best time of your vacation!

9. Church Hoping

Basilica of Bom Jesus Places to Visit in Goa
Image Credit : Flick User – Satyabrata Bhuyan

Goa is not just known for its alcohol serving beach shacks and loud music. This tiny state of India has its fair shares of places of reverence and grandeur. Churches and temples also embellish the interiors of Goa. If you want your Christmas to be sober and your new year to be elegant, spend these two holidays in the presence of divinity.

Church hopping is a good idea if you are with your family and you want to show the kids what architectural marvels are because the churches in Goa are certainly that!

The best things to do in Goa in December are plenty and the world is a better place in Goa! And people? A much better version of themselves.

So, since December is right around the corner, you could book your tickets right now and bid adieu to the exasperations of the normal, hectic life. This article would have given you a fair share of ideas about the things to do in Goa in December.

If you think we missed out on any of the fun activities which you could possibly do in Goa this winter, make sure to comment down below and we will include it in our article or make a part 2. Also, comment down below if you need any more clarifications about any of the posts which we have mentioned.

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Written by Sruthi Nair

As a travel buff, I believe that one life is not enough to see all the places in this planet! Why search for heaven up above when it is right beside you? I call myself an ardent believer of following your (dream) destinations! Join me on this journey of discovering more of this amazing Earth one article at a time.

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