Privacy Policy

At, your privacy is unequivocally sacred to us. This policy gives information about the types of information we receive and collect when you interact with and use our website. It also outlines why we collect this data and how we make use of this information.

Non-Personally Identifiable Data

This site tracks routine non-personally identifiable information about visitors, including their browser details, time stamps, IP addresses, frequency of visits and referral pages. None of this data can personally detect specific visitors to this site; it can, however, help us gather generic insight concerning their online behavior. We make use of this information only to improve our site’s user experience and performance.

Personal Information

The site will never collect your personal data except when visitors themselves provide us their information such as name, email address, hyperlinks, and comments etc. the user is completely responsible for providing such information. We do not trade visitor’s personal data with others.

Browser cookies and web scripts

This site makes use of cookies, which are small-sized text files stored to your local hard drive by your browser application. Cookies store information about visitors’ preferences and browsing history. We use this information in order to better serve the site users and/or present visitors with customized content, advertisements and social media features. Our advertising and analytics partners, both in-house and third-party, may use these cookies and web scripts to study and analyze visitor behavior in order to target ads and other useful information.

However the use of cookies does not allow us to access any of your personal data or any identifiable information about you.  Most web browsers automatically accept cookies; nevertheless, you can usually change your browser settings to disable cookies. It is worth nothing that doing so, however, may prevent you from accessing some features and functions of this site.

Note about Google AdSense

Some of the advertisements appearing on our sites are served by Google, Inc., and affiliated companies. These ads may be controlled using special cookies, which allow Google to display ads based on users’ visits to this domain and other domains. These cookies use non-personally identifiable information and do not track personal information about you, including your name, physical address, email address, age and the like. Any tracking done by Google through cookies and other methods is subject to Google’s own privacy policies. If you wish to opt out of Google’s cookie usage mechanism, please visit Google Advertising’s privacy policy and terms at

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